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Physiotherapy is a client-focused health service and is dedicated to improving quality of life by:

– Promoting optimal mobility, physical activity and overall health and wellness;
– Preventing disease, injury, and disability;
– Managing acute and chronic conditions, activity limitations, and participation restrictions;
– Improving and maintaining optimal functional independence and physical performance;
– Rehabilitating injury and the effects of disease or disability with therapeutic exercise programs and other interventions; and
– Educating and planning maintenance and support programs to prevent re-occurrence, re-injury or functional decline.

Physiotherapy is anchored in movement sciences and aims to enhance or restore function of multiple body systems. Our physiotherapy department is committed to health, lifestyle and quality of life. This holistic approach incorporates a broad range of physical and physiological therapeutic interventions and aids.

Physiotherapists utilize diagnostic and assessment procedures and tools in order to develop and implement preventive and therapeutic courses of intervention. They apply a collaborative and reasoned approach to help clients achieve their health goals, in particular focusing on the musculoskeletal, neurological, cardiorespiratory and multi-systems.

Physiotherapists analyze the impact of injury, disease, disorders, or lifestyle on movement and function. Their unique contribution to health care is to promote, restore and prolong physical independence by enhancing a client’s functional capacity. Physiotherapists encourage
clients to assume responsibility for their health and participate in team approaches to health service delivery (Information Courtesy of CPA, 2014).

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